Wednesday 6 January 2016

Did You Enter The Last Challenge?

Good morning peeps. 

It was very strange not posting here yesterday and I felt quite sad to be honest :(

Did you enter the very last ever Papertake Challenge? If so, I have managed to sort out my techie issues and I have my giveaway sorted. I've restricted it to those people who entered the challenge to make it fair and you can find my post here 

If you could spread the word for me I would be eternally grateful as I want to try and let everybody who entered know.

Hugest of thanks and good luck if you enter the giveaway.

Huggiest of hugs, Dawny xxx


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Hazel (Didos) said...

Hi, I sent Sharon a message via her blog comments but haven't heard back as yet. Wasn't sure how else to contact her, Love Hazelxx

Jane said...

Hi Dawny thanks for the giveaway, so generous. I have managed to add my card but then when I tried to add my comment I kept getting a visitor number pop up which I can't get past. Hence my comment here thanking you and wishing you all the very best. Hugs xx

Grenouille Greetings said...

I'm sad to see the end of Papertake Weekly. I so enjoyed playing along! Happy New Year! Hugs, Lesley

Steve Finnell said...


Proverbs 1:7 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, But fools despise wisdom and instruction. (NKJV)

Proverbs 9:10 "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.(NKJV)

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge and wisdom. In other words knowledge and wisdom begin when when men give God the reverence that He deserves.

If you are really in awe of God, why would you not read His book to gain knowledge and wisdom?

If you want to learn how to go to heaven and stay out of hell, read God's book.

If you want to know how to live a Christian life, read God's book.

If you want to learn how God created the heavens and the earth, read God's book.

If you want to know why man-made climate change is a false assumption, read God's book.

If you want to know the true gospel plan of salvation, read God's book.

If you want to understand the new covenant, read God's book.

If you want to understand why the theory of evolution is false, read God's book.

If you want to comprehend why Jesus is to the only way to the Father, read God's book.

If you are looking for absolute truth, read God's book.

God's book is the Bible and the Bible alone.


Fearing, that is being in awe of, or giving reverence to pastors, preachers, priests, elders, or popes, is not the beginning of wisdom and knowledge.

If you are looking for wisdom and knowledge in Bible commentaries, church catechisms, creed books, books about the Bible, so-called new revelation books, or church statements of faith, you will find man's opinion about God, however, you will not find absolute truth.


Steve Finnell said...


The Bereans examined the Scriptures to see if Paul and Silas were telling them the truth. (Acts 17:10-12)

Are people examining the Scriptures today to see if their church leaders are telling them the truth or are they examining church creed books, books of commentaries, so-called books of new revelation, church statements of faith, and books written about the Bible.

1.Doctrine: The Father has a body of flesh and bone as tangible as man's.

You cannot reach that conclusion by searching the Scriptures. (John 4:24)

2. Doctrine: Christians are to remember the Sabbath day[Saturday is the Sabbath] and keep it holy.

That cannot be believed by searching the Scriptures. (Exodus 31:12-18, Galatians 5:1-7)

3. Doctrine: Men are saved by grace alone.

There is no Scripture that states men are saved by grace alone. You would have be taught from extra-Biblical sources to believe you are saved by grace alone.

4. Doctrine: Saved by faith only.

No translation of the Bible says men are saved by faith only.

5. Doctrine: Water immersion [baptism] is not essential for salvation.

Only a skilled professional can convince men that water baptism is not essential for salvation. It cannot be learned by prayerfully examining the Scriptures. (Mark 16:16, Acts 22:16, Acts 2:38, Galatians 3:27, Romans Chapter 6, Colossians 2:11-14, Ephesians 5:25-27, John 3:5, 1 Peter 3:20-21, Titus 3:5, Acts 2:40-41)

6. Doctrine: The only true, accurate, trustworthy English translation of the Bible is the King James Version.

What verse in the King James Version says it is the only trustworthy translation of God's word?

7.Doctrine: Praying to [in other words worshipping] the Virgin Mary and other dead saints is approved by God.

Where are Scriptures to prove praying to people is not worship and approve by God? That can only be taught from creed books and other extra-Biblical sources.

THE QUESTION? Is what you believe, because you prayerfully studied the Scriptures to find the truth or did your truth come from church creed books, Bible commentaries, books about the Bible, church statements of faith, the teaching of skilled professionals or from books of so-called new revelation?


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