Hi there peeps - hope that everyone is well and not drowning in the flippin rain like we are here today.
Thank you to everyone who joined us for our black and white challenge last week. Apart from one Miss Cheaty McCheat (the full sorry story is on my blog here!!) you all managed to make some fab cardage with just the one extra colour.
And thank you to the very wonderful Heidi for her sponsorship once again and we do have a winner ..........
Random Integer Generator
Here are your random numbers:3
Timestamp: 2009-10-06 12:34:57 UTC
Well the early bird certainly got the worm cos it's no 3 and that's
Terry. If you send me your details chick, I will let Heidi know and she can arrange your prize.
We have another fabulous prize again this week -

cos once again we are delighted to have Kathe join us as our sponsor.
For those of you who didn't see the post when Kathe was last with us, here is a little bit about her and what she does -
Hello my name is Kathe most know as Bluerose. I would like to say that I am a Independent Distributor with The Angel Company (TAC) and it is a direct sales company that manufactures and sells an exclusive line of rubber stamps, paper collections, and accessories for scrap-booking, card-making, and other paper craft projects. They maintain one of the Nation's most liberal angel policies, allowing their customers to not only use their purchased stamps for personal use, but for projects for profit as well. You will love our revolutionary Creative Cling™ Stamping System! This system is fast, easy to use and can maximize your storage space. I would love to invite you to visit my blog at http://www.katzdesignz.blogspot.com/ I sure hope to see you there really soon…
Thank you Kathe - it's nice to have you back with us xxx
On a sadder note. we have to say goodbye to out wondereful guest designers this week. I can't believe it's been 4 weeks since they joined us - how quickly it's gone!!! But a huge thank you to you all cos you've all been stars and you've done some wonderful work for us xxx
We'll have a new and fabulous GDT for you next week.
So as the PTW regulars will know, it's sketch time again and here it is.
Here is what the girlies did with it, and all the images that were used here are available from Kathe.
Dawny P
Dawny P (again - greedy greedy !!)
Do ya like?
We hope so :)
So now it's over to you to take the sketch and do your thing with it like we did. As always you can be pretty flexible with your interpretation and as long as you can still see the sketch then that is absolutely fine.
And don't forget to come and visit our individual blogs if you get a sec and catch up with what we've all been up to.
Have the fabbiest of weeks and best stay in and make lots of cards cos the weather forecast is awful!!!
See you next Tuesday xxxx