Tuesday 7 January 2014

Anything Goes

Hi peeps and


to you all. I hope that you all had a great Christmas and here's to a nice crafty 2014.

A huge thank you to everybody who joined in these last two  week - your cards and projects were fab  :)

So who was our winner then ?


Wowwza, in all these years this is the first time that Mr Random Thing has chosen our first entry, and how ironic that it's the first challenge of a new year!!

And our lucky winner is you Olesia :)

Well done to you and if you e-mail me, I’ll pass your details on to Heidi and hugest of thanks to Simon Says Stamp for sponsoring us xxx

And check out what  Olesia did peeps …..

What a gorgeous CAS card using the Anything Goes with the CAS option from 3rd December and I LOVE the simplicity here -  I think it's just fabulous :)

Now onto this week and as it’s the first one of the month we have our usual

Anything Goes

theme with the optional extra to make something to celebrate something new.

But remember this is only an option and if you don’t want to use this theme then you don’t have to. The main thing is to let loose your creative stuff and make a card that pleases YOU :)

As our regulars will know, the first challenge of the month is sponsored by the lovely Lisa & Laila over at

Lili of The Valley

And they have given us a …

… to give to one lucky winner.

And with so much to choose from in the shop, one lucky girlie is going to be spoiled for choice!!!!

Hugest of thanks for a fabulous prize :)xxx

So without further ado, lets see what our fabulous team have done -

Tanya (GDT)




Marie (GDT)





Gayle (GDT)



































Dawny P


So that’s what we did and now it’s over to you, and if you get a sec, don’t forget to check out our individual blogs and see what else we have been up to.

As always, could we ask a huge favour peeps please.

Could you help to make our job at leaving comments easier by turning off comment verification and enabling comment moderation instead please pretty please xxxx. It’s ever so easy to do – see our sidebar – and you won’t get spam comments as you can easily reject the comments that you don't want to appear.

Can we remind you nicely that’s it’s fine to combine challenges but please, no back linking. We hope you understand that it’s only fair to those who make a new card xxx

And could we ask that you restrict your number of entries please to no more than 5

Thanks ever so muchly – we really do appreciate it xxx

And  just to let you know that sometimes it is not possible for the Design Team to leave a comments on every entry, with these Blogger issues that some of us are having at the mo – grrrrrr what a nightmare. But please be assured that we do stop by and we are doing our best and every single eligible entry goes into the draw for our prizes even if we don’t manage to leave you a comment.

Thanks for bearing with us and huggiest of hugs to all xxx


Olesia said...

Wow!Unbelievable, Lucky first number!:) Thank you!


Olesia said...

Dawny P., please give me your e-mail address, because I can't use the link from the sidebar, I don't have outlook ;) Or you can write directly to me or.deko@gmail.com.

Thank you!

Karen P said...

Thanks for another great challenge and for sharing the gorgeous DT inspirations x

Sandra H said...

Well done all and beautiful creations from the Dt's

Gertrude said...

WOW, tolle Karten
glg Gertrude

KandA said...

Really stunning creations from the DT xx

Karen said...

I couldn't help but smile when I saw number 1 was the winner! :o) Exquisite DT creations once again this week.. thank you for the endless inspiration! And thank you for another lovely challenge. :o)

Hugs and blessings!

Heidi Brawley said...

WOW what Beautiful DT creations!!! Thank you for the challenge to play in.

Shazza said...

great inspiration from the DT

Ann said...

Lovely creations by the DT, thanks for the chance to play along. I am a follower of your blog through Bloglovin.

Sue said...

Such gorgeous DT creations, I LOVE the new James Bear images!
Sue xx

Hazel (Didos) said...

WOW Stunning DT Creations, Thanks for the inspiration, Hazelxo

agapanthus said...

Happy New Year! Fab Dt inspiration! Thanks karen x

Anonymous said...

Thank you for running this challenge. Beautiful makes, as always, from the DT.

Happy New Year to you all, love Annexxx

Shazza said...

gorgeous creations from the DT x

Melissa @ M Miranda Creations said...

Happy New Year to you as well. Great DT projects - thank you!

Bunny said...

Hey, wow. These are some great cards and project. Nice job from everyone. I'd like a chance to just pick a couple of the cards as a prize. Thanks for the challenge.