Tuesday 9 August 2011

Grow Your Own

Hi peeps and hope that you are all OK and having a nice week :)

Hugest of thanks to everybody who joined in last week – another totally fabulous response and as always some gorgeous work out there :)

So who were our winners?


Well the winner of the LOTV voucher is …. Fiona :)

Well done chick and if you e-mail me I’ll pass your details onto Lisa and Laila over at Lili of The Valley and hugest of thanks to them for their wonderful sponsorship xxx

And check out what Fiona did peeps …..

IMGP2502 … this is so pretty :)

And of course we have another winner this week and she is …..


…. Rebekah

Well done to you too chick and if you e-mail me I’ll pass your details onto Paul & Siri at Wild Orchid Crafts and hugest of thanks to them for their wonderful sponsorship too xxx

And here is Rebekah’s gorgeous card …


So onto this week and we are getting all flowery this week and our theme is

Grow Your Own

so all you have to do is include some flowers somewhere in your work, BUT  you have to make them yourself either by using dies / punches,  altering a ready bought one or using stuff from your stash.

And I am so pleased to welcome back the sweetness that is our Katharina as this week we are sponsored by the wonderful

Whiff Of Joy


And check out what’s up for grabs peeps ….


It’s one of the new August releases and it called Which Direction (you can see it and the other new releases here).

He is seriously cute  and of course, hugest of thanks to Katharina :)xxx

So without further ado, let’s check out what the PTW crew did this week – I LOVE that they are all so different.


Louise (GDT)

Louise Hodge


Marika (GDT)

GDT August 2

Debi .. is feeling poorly. Hope you are better soon sweetie xxxx

Dawny P ..won’t be long!!!!

So that’s what we did and now it’s over to you, and if you get a sec, don’t forget if you get a sec to check out our individual blogs and see what else we have been up to.

As always, could we ask a huge favour peeps please.

Could you help to make our job at leaving comments easier by turning off comment verification and enabling comment moderation instead please pretty please xxxx. It’s ever so easy to do – see our sidebar – and you won’t get spam comments as you can easily reject the comments that you don't want to appear. And also, can we remind you nicely that’s it’s fine to combine challenges but please, no back linking. We hope you understand that it’s only fair to those who make a new card xxx

And also, can I just give you a nice gentle reminder to ask if you could make sure that you link your card and not your blog when using good old Mr Linky please my lovelies. It makes life so much easier for our DT if they don’t have to go searching for your cards.

Thanks ever so muchly – we really do appreciate it xxx

Also just to let you know that sometimes it is not possible for the Design Team to leave a comments on every entry, with these Blogger issues that some of us are having at the mo – grrrrrr what a nightmare. But please be assured that we do stop by and we are doing our best and every single eligible entry goes into the draw for our prizes even if we don’t manage to leave you a comment.

Thanks peeps for bearing with us and hugs from all of us to all of you xxx


Fiona said...

another fab challenge and thanks so much for picking my card as a winner. I'm off to email now!!


designsfromwithinbycharlotte said...

Beautiful cards this week! Thanks for this great challenge!

Blissful Paper Creations said...

Thanks for a great challenge and thank you to the DT for such inspiring examples

Warm wishes, Julie Ann x

Sandra H said...

Another fab creations from the dt and congratulations to the previous winners:) Sandra H

Arline said...

Gorgeous cards by the DT!x

Unknown said...

Love making flowers. Thanks for the challenge.

Anonymous said...

fun challenge - gorgeous samples!

Curly said...

Thank you so much for an awesome challenge and Wowzers the dt card are gorgeous x

Lynn (delphinoid) said...

My first time joining in with one of your challenges, so I hope I've done everything right.

Good Luck everyone!!!

Crafting Belle said...

Fab inspiration from the DT xxx

Berry said...

So thrilled to have won thanks! R xx

A Soul's Heartbeat said...

This was fun, thanks so much for the challenge! Patti

Bettina L. said...

Fun challenge;)

sparklygirl-Tina said...

Hi Great DT inspirations. My first time with you!


Gibmiss said...

Fabulous work from the teamie ....some stunners

Inkypinkydelights said...

Great challenge! Brilliant DT work! Judy x

Christine L said...

Lovely DT cards.... all kinds of flowers and all beautiful!
Christine x

Sasha said...

Fabulous DT creations! Thank you for this challenge. I love to make flowers x

craftymum said...

I haven't entered any challenges for ages. This one fits A card i have just made perfectly. great challenge
Sarah x

Benzi said...

Great inspiration from the DT...thanks!!!

Hazel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hazel said...

Oops made a mistake in my last comment, sorry! Lovely cards by the DT team - thank you for pushing me to make some flowers. I've been meaning to do some for months. Hazel x

Anonymous said...

Awesome creations by the DT!

Craftdee said...

Great challenge: made me dust off my very neglected flower punches! Thanks for the great DT inspiration too, Dee

Karen said...

Lovely cards. Great inspirations xx

Pulsatilla said...

Die Werke des DT sind wunderschön!!! LG ANDREA

Delo said...

What beautiful creations. Thank you for this challenge.

Sue B said...

Really fun challenge! Love the DT creations - all gorgeous!
Hugs Sue xx

America said...

WOW- amazing work with Dies....so much fab inspiration!