Monday 26 May 2008

One for the Fella's!

Hi Everyone! Thanks to all who took part in Katharina's sketch last week! There were some great cards!
We have Fathers Day coming up, here in the UK so this weeks challenge is to make a mans card! The card can be for any occasion as long as it's for a man! lol
Just to let you all know that Claudia stepped down from the DT a couple of weeks ago due to other committments. So I'd just like to say thanks to her for the tutorials she shared with us on PTW and wish her all the best! For all you sketch fans out there, there's some good news as Katharina has aggreed to do an extra sketch a month for us! Keep an eye out for the next one which will be on 9th June!
Anyway, here are the DT's cards this week for your inspiration!






kes said...

These are fantastic.
Here is my contribution.

Juliet said...

Thank you for more wonderful examples from the DT. My card is on my blog.

Juliet xx

Lorraine said...

Fabulous card by the DT. My card can be found here


Jo said...

Thank you Claudia xx

Looking forward to more Katharina sketches! :)

My card for this weeks challenge is on my blog

Tina said...

Lovely thems, ladies

Here is my idea:

Monika said...

Wonderful cards from the DT Team.

Here is mine.

Beth said...

Loving the DT cards! Here's mine!

Bev said...

Fab cards from the DT!

Here's my card

Cathy said...
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Cathy said...
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Cathy said...
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Kim Costello said...

I've actually managed a card on time check mine out on my blog

thanks for challenging!

michelle said...

I made a card for my dad for fathers day ! hope you don't mind it covers 2 other challenges as well but i love the way it turned out ! thanks for looking !!

michelle said...

I made another card and this one is for my father in law it's on my blog ! thanks for looking

Cathy said...

Great cards by the DT.
This is my card.

Sue said...

Great cards from the design team.

My domino out card is on my blog

Hope you like it:-)


Looby said...

what a great theme! My card is here:

Lou x

Gayle said...

Thanks for the reminder, lots of 'men' cards to make...
Here's my attempt

Gayle x

Murielle said...

Voici ma participation!

Merci pour ce suberbe challenge.

Becky said...

Hi everyone, my first entry for your challenge (and certainly not my last) Great DT work, very inspirational. Here is mine:
Love Becky xx

Mira said...


Here's my man:

Kreativgeschwafel said...

a difficult theme ...
here's my card
man's card

Wendy said...

Great challenge, I always need a bit of a push to do mens cards.
Here is my entry.

Katharina Frei said...

Lovely creations everybody!
Here is My card
Thanks for looking!

Natalie said...

I have added my entry to my blog. Great DT Cards. x

Enfys said...

Great examples again from the DT. Mine is on my blog.

tracie said...
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tracie said...

fabulous cards girls and another great challenge :-)x

Here's My Card

Victoria said...

Mine is in on my blog
Vicky x

Mandalika said...

Very challenging theme! It is always really hard to make a card for a man.

Here is my card:

One for the Fella's

Thanks for looking!

Anonymous said...

your cards are lovely...and you will find mine on my blog at
I'm very happy to participate for the first time and...not the last one...(I'm from France so excuse my english writing:) )

SueH said...

Wonderful card from everyone again.

Mine's Here if you fancy a look.

Rach said...

Brilliant cards by the dt.
this is my first time a papertake weekly..I missed out last week...(too slow!lol)

Here is my "One for the Fellas!.

Hugs Rach.x

Debbie said...

Great Challenge mine can be seen on my blog

MichelleO said...

Wonderful DT cards as always. I hope you like mine... Guy cards stump me sometimes -
Stamps, Paper, Scissors and Donkey Smiles: A guy card, and two ladies -

Penny said...

I have added mine to my blog now :) It's maybe a bit different as it's a man's encouragement card - wow, they are tough to make for but I hope I pulled it off OK! :)

Denise said...

I can see there are going to be some delighted Fathers out there come June 15th! Here is mine:-

Penny said...

Sorry girls, just realised that you can't get into my blog for some reason I can't work out!! Here's a link instead:


Unknown said...

mine is on my blog now its the george the diver card :)

ella bella said...

Fantastic cards by the DT. here is my card :)

Hiya, My name is Lynne. said...

Hi, have just found your blog and would like to join your weekly challenge, As I'm new to all this I hope that the link address works???

Lynne xx

Hiya, My name is Lynne. said...

Hi not sure where the address went??? try again.

Sew This N That said...

You have all made some great cards :)
Here is my entry

craft mad Jenny said...

I've made a father's day card for this challenge - you can find it on my blog.

Marge said...

Enjoyed the challenge of a guy card, so mine is my Guy Birthday Card posted today @

Thanks for the opportunity!


Tarasdesigns said...

brilliant challenges and excellent cards from the DT team

Tara x

Dawny P said...

Here is my entry.

It's under the blog candy post lol xx

Fab cards from the DT as always. Thanks for a great challenge and tfs xxx

Annie said...

Absolutely fabulous examples from design team. Here's my card - a graduation card for the fellas.

Ann xxx

Tracey said...

Lovely cards ladies, mine is on my blog.

Sue - said...

Here is my card.

Jilli said...

Fab cards ladies, here is my contribution...

TFL xx

Kim Dellow said...

Love the DT's wonderful work.

Here is mine attempt

Carole said...

Fantastic DT cards, loved the challenge, thanks!

My card

drop said...

voilà ma carte masculine:

Shelly said...

Hi, thanks for this - just discovered you! Here's my card for this weeks challenge :o)

Lora said...

Here is my "One for the Fella's"

Thanks for looking.

Annie said...

I had fun making my card for this challenge. You can see it here

Donna said...

Great theme and the samples you have all done are fantastic, this is my entry.x

michele said...

Great cards from the DT, My card, LO and ATC's are here...
Thanks for looking
michele xx

Wendy - Anntaurus said...

Just made this and realised it fits with the challenge. Loved the DT cards!

Bubbles said...

Great cards, just added mine to my blog

cats whiskers said...

Billiant DT Cards, I am a bit late but what do they say better late than never. Mine is on my blog
Hugs an a great weekend to you all
Jacqui x

Donalda said...

Nothing like cutting it to close lol. The DT has some awesome works of art.
I finally got around to getting my card uploaded you can find it here

Tricia said...

Yay! I got to do the challenge this week.

Here's mine...

PixieHouse Creations said...

here is my card for this weeks challenge.just made it !!

wendy xx

Gayle said...

Loved this sooo much, I had another go...


Gayle x

Rainbow Lady said...

Here is mine better late than never. Been away a week sorry.
Love Cynthia x

nessy said...

fantastic theme , fab cards girls, making us get out the "male" papers!! ~great as i had two birthday cards to make
can be seen on my blog
thanks for looking!!
vanessa xx

Jo said...

Phew, just made it for this weeks challenge.

Here is mine :o)

Monika/Buzsy said...

Great challenge... I needed a masuline card. :o)
Here is my card.
Thanks for looking!

Janet said...

lovely cards from the DT! here is mine

Vickilyn said...

Here's my take on it:

Thanks for the inspiration!

Chris said...

Love the design teams cards. Here is the card I made for the challenge.

Anonymous said...

Great theme and great cards. Just the right time for me as it's my dad's birthday this week! Sorry I'm so late :-)
Here is my link!
One for the Fellas!

Angie C said...

What great DT cards and projects. Mine isn't a traditional man's card, but I did make it for a man so hope it's okay. It's here on my blog

Jo said...

In by the skin of my teeth again! Just loaded mine on my blog.

Frances said...

Made this last night, so I think I've just made it too! Will try to be earlier next time, sorry! x

my card

Simply Shaz said...

Fabby cards girls! Mine is a very,very late
You can find it here
Shaz x

Heather Huggins said...

Great cards girls!! Here's mine:

Anonymous said...

b3r23e6n92 w3u74g6v42 x1n21h2q11 f2s88g3e37 o5o54q0j20 b0u18a8h34