Monday 3 March 2008

Be there or be square!

Hi everyone! Another great response last week! Thank you all for joining us again and a warm welcome to all the new faces!
This weeks challenge is Squares! Square cards, square patterns or squares on your layout! This weeks challenge is sponsored by Katty at Skattykats and there are some yummy Prima playmates up for grabs! (Thanks Katty!) Do check out Skattykats - there are some lovely bits!
We'd also like to welcome Claudia, as our Guest Designer. She makes some stunning cards and will now be joining us for regular tutorials!
Here are the DT's cards! Fantastic inspiration again this week!






For those without blogs...
These have been sent via email by Heather (?)
Thanks for joining us! Nice summery LO's!


Claudia Rosa ~ Pretty Pressings said...

Thank you girls for letting me join this week.
your creations are all wonderful! this was sure a lot of fun

Sandy said...

Hello Girls. Wonderful Theme. Here is my card. Thanks for looking.

Square Card

Tarasdesigns said...

Oh great challenge and I'm one of the first instead of last as normal :o)

Mine is here

Tara X

Samm said...

Scrummy cards ladies! lovely!

Here's mine:

by Samm: Bam Pop! Furry Birds and Scenic Route


Beth said...

Fabulous prize, my card is on my blog xx

stampingbalou said...

Thanks a lot ladies for this funny challenge. And wonderful creations you show us...!!!

Here is my entry - I was inspired by Dawn... Thanks for looking...


Yours, Heike ;o)

Claire said...

Hiya, Thanks for the cool challenge, mine is on my blog.x


Monika said...

Hello Girls wonderful theme and work of the Design Team.Here is my square box
Here is my entry.

Jilly said...

Well today was the first time i have been to your blog but was so inspired i have decided to have a go at your challenge.

here is my card

Pearl said...

BEautiful & inspiring DT cards !

Mine's here :


Bastelkueken`s Kreative Welt aus Alsdorf said...
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Bastelkueken`s Kreative Welt aus Alsdorf said...
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Bastelkueken`s Kreative Welt aus Alsdorf said...

A wonderful challenge - Here is my card - thanks for looking

Here is my Card

Katharina Frei said...

Wonderful creations of the Design Team and a great theme!!
I try my luck on the fab prize again (Thanks Katty).
Here is my creation
No card from me this time, but it's worth looking ;)
Thanks for popping in :)

flatis stempelwelt said...

Hello Girls. Wonderful Theme. Here is my card. Thanks for looking.

flatis Basteleien

Annie said...

Fabulous projects from the DT this week, love Claudia's little folder and the beautiful butterfly card. I've made a Christmas card and it's on my blog at

Pootle said...

Fab design team cards again this week :) Will try and play later this week

Natalie said...

I have added my card to my blog, thanks.

Natalie x

Sharon said...

My card is on my blog. Thanks for another great challenge.


Kazzy said...

Lovely cards from all....mine is here too!

Truly Jewellery said...

Here's mine

Thanks for looking

Gail :)

Jane (Carroll's Creations) said...

great cards - here's mine

jane x

Ann Whitfield said...

Thank you for this challenge girls I loved doing it. Here is my card and thanks for looking

Richelle said...

Thanks for the challenges! Great cards..

here is mine

Rosie said...

Well done Claudia and all the DT! LOvely examples as usual... here's my card!

PapaYa's Kram said...

lovely cards ladies!
Here's mine:
Monika X

tracie said...

gorgeous cards girls - lovely them all. mines on my blog :-)x

Donalda said...

Just love the cards you ladies made they are gorgeous and I just love seeing Claudia's work too.
I have uploaded my card to my blog

Anonymous said...

Here is a short video clip of mine!

Paper enginering! TFLx

Val dulac said...

Hi girls ! beautiful cards !

Here's my square card !

Thanks for looking !


Elaine ♥ said...

Thanks for the challenge, a great one!! Heres my entry at

Great cards girls :P

Lainey xxx

Gayle said...

You say squares, i think gingham, it's an illness ;-)

Anonymous said...

Lovely cards girls mine is on my blog. xx

Amanda said...

Here is my card for this weeks challenge. Thanks it was fun

Enfys said...

Great DT cards again, mine is on my blog.

Bubbles said...

Great challenge and lovely prize, my card is on my blog but my mojo seems to have gone astray!!!


Denise said...

Great challenge here is my effort :-

Pink Blossom Creations said...

great cards everyone... and yes late as ever I have done mine!!!

caroline x

Shazza said...

I love the sample cards girls, they are fab! My card for this challenge is now on my blog.

Unknown said...

Fab challenge ... as always .... Thank you X

Mine is here ....

Jilli said...

Here's mine.....

Thanks for looking


shaz earl said...

Some great work again everyone thanks for the challenge mine is now on my blog xx

Lesley said...

Here is my card - thanks for another great challenge!

Jo said...

My effort is on my blog :o)

Alison said...
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Alison said...

Great creations by the design team. Thanks for super challenge.

Here is my entry:

Rainbow Lady said...

Here is my entry girls for this lovely challenge.
Thanks for having a look
Love Cynthia x

Unknown said...

Great challenge! Mine's here

BrandiLynn said...

Mines on my blog thanks for the challenge :D

nessy said...

wow!! seemed like an easy challenge!!! -squares!! mmmmmmmmm, anyway here is my attempt!!
cudllybuddly squares at
thankyou for looking!!
vanessa xx

Galina Varese said...

debby4000 said...

Lovely cards from the DT team inspired me to have a go.

artfulstampin said...

lovely cards, heres mine...

Julie said...

Thought I'd have a go so here's mine

Kristine said...

Here's my entry:

Be there or be Square

Wendy - Anntaurus said...

A wonderful theme - here is my effort:-

Chrissie said...

All of the cards are gorgeous and so different.
This is the first card I have made for a challenge, hope it's ok.

Becky Stewart said...

Fab challenge - here was my take on it

danemi1 said...

have just found your site - and wanted to join in - heres what I have done

Marlene said...

Hi, still in time *Ü*
You can view my entry

Marlene xx

Sarah C said...

Hello all. I love your challenge and have posted a card on my blog for it. It's the gardening one. Thanks, Sarah xx

Jessi said...

wish you all a nice weekend
here is my square card

Thanks for looking


Liz said...

Great cards from the design team! Thought I'd have a go at this challenge, my card is here.

Angelswings_2 said...

I didn't get a chance to take part last week.... Think I have only just made it this week!

Here is my entry.

Sandra said...

Love this challenge!
Here is my card!

Susie Little said...

Hi There,
Here's mine.....

Susie xx

danemi1 said...
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Frances said...

Great challenge, love the title :) and a fab prize too!!

Here's mine

tillymint said...

Great theme and superb work from the Design Team, thankyou!

I'm a bit late getting this done, but
here's my square card.

Tilly x

Mucky Pup said...

Wonderful inspiration again from the Design Team, and a super challenge. I'm late with this I know but here it is at last!

Here's my card.

Jo said...

Sorry I'm so late in completing the challenge....have just added mine to my blog.

Kat said...

Gorgeous cards, here is mine.

Annie said...

I've been browsing the creations so far, and they are awesome!

Here's mine:

Anonymous said...

Had a few internet probs!!!so a rather late one from me...You can find mine on my blog Steph..Thanks for looking:) great Design creations yet again:)

Sian said...

Thank you for another great challenge and here's my attempt at it

Kathy said...

Beautiful cards from the DT!! Thanks for the challenge! I even squeezed a square brad in there!! Thanks, here is my square card:

Sammie said...

Well done everyone. My square card for the challenge and for my stepson's birthday is on my blog. Please take a look and tell me what you think. (Post dated Monday 10th March) And if anyone can tell me how to actually get a link posted here in the comments so all you have to do is hit a button, I'd be really grateful! Thanks,
SammieJay x

A + A Studio said...

I love square cards. It's my favorite size to make, who cares about the extra postage ! Here is my latest creation posted on my blog:

Sally said...

some lovely cards there ladies :)