
Thursday 28 February 2008

Some great news!

Hi everyone,
I'd just like to let you all know that there will be a couple of changes over the next few weeks! I have asked 2 very talented ladies to join the team! Claudia will be joining us to do a tutorial once a month - those of you who have already visited her blog will know that she has some fantastic tutorials and makes some stunning cards! And I have asked Katharina to do a sketch once a month for us too! Katharina recently had a lovely sketch on her blog for her blog candy challenge and I'm sure she'll provide us all with some fabulous sketches as well as inspiration from her gorgeous cards! Thanks for joining us Claudia and Katharina - we look forward to your challenges!


  1. This is fab Steph, should be great fun. Both Claudia and Katharina are very talented.

  2. Thank you Steph to invite me to become a part of Papertake Weekly Challenge! As i told you before i am thrilled about the opportunity you offered me!

  3. Whoohoo.. Congrats Claudia and Katharina!!
    That's fabulous news *Ü*

  4. Very exciting! Congrats to Claudia and Katharina :)

  5. Wow great news ,welcome to the team girls ,we will have great fun ,Dawnxxx

  6. Wow, what beautiful cards everyone made! Congrats to the two GD's!

  7. Congrats ladies !!!! Your work of art is just gorgeous !!. I hope to get to start back up with the challenges soon. I finally get to go to see a surgeon on my hand so hopefully I will be normal again and can play all I want lol

  8. Thanks so much for the nice welcomes and to Steph for inviting me! can't wait to get started!


Thanks for joining us for the challenge! We'll come and look at your creation shortly! x