Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Build It Up

Hi peeps and hope you are all OK and that you are having a lovely week so far.

A huge thank you to everybody who joined in last week.
Your ‘take your pick’ cards and projects were gorgeous : )

So who is our winner?


Woohooo  Vannessa,   this week it’s you chick :)

Well done to you and if you e-mail me, I’ll pass your details on to Christine  and hugest thanks to The Paper Nest Dolls for sponsoring us xx

And check out what  Vannessa  did …..

…  I LOVE the image on this round card.
In fact, I love everything about the card : )

Now onto this week and our theme is

Build It Up

so very simply, no ‘flat’ allowed.
Please add layers and dimension.
Or you may have another interpretation as our
Natalie has.

This week we are very pleased to welcome back our very own gorgeous Mary & Andrea aka …

The Ribbon Girl

ribbon girl logo

and check out  what’s up for grabs peeps


Hugest of thanks for a fabulous prize and do nip and check out the website if you get a sec cos there’s oodles of pretty darn fab stuff  over there, there really is :)

And now without further ado, here’s what our fab girlies have done this week -


Liz M









So that’s what we did and now it’s over to you, and if you get a sec, don’t forget to check out our individual blogs and see what else we have been up to.

As always, could we ask a huge favour peeps please.

Could you help to make our job at leaving comments easier by turning off comment verification and enabling comment moderation instead please pretty please xxxx.
It’s ever so easy to do – see our sidebar – and you won’t get spam comments as you can easily reject the comments that you don't want to appear.

Can we remind you nicely that’s it’s fine to combine challenges but please, no back linking.
We hope you understand that it’s only fair to those who make a new card xxx

And could we ask that you restrict your number of entries please to no more than 5

Thanks ever so muchly – we really do appreciate it xxx

And  just to let you know that sometimes it is not possible for the Design Team to leave a comments on every entry, with these Blogger issues that some of us are having at the mo.
But please be assured that we do stop by and we are doing our best and every single eligible entry goes into the draw for our prizes even if we don’t manage to leave you a comment.

Thanks for bearing with us and huggiest of hugs to all xx


Build It Up

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


Unknown said...

what fabulous inspiration for your designers, and a wonderful challenge I love a good chunky creation with layers .. thanku for letting me join ..
Kristyn happy crafting ... mystitchbackintwine4.blogspot.com

Bunny said...

Cute DT work. Thank you for the challenge.

Jessi said...

Fabulous DT work, and I was especially inspired this week by Mary's lovely creation and made something heavily influenced by her :)

Unknown said...

Thanks for a fun challenge! Gorgeous creations from the DT!

- Susan
{Scrap A Thousand Words}
Open-Minded Crafting Fun Challenges

Waving My Wand said...

Newbie here, happy to have found you!

Karen P said...

Gorgeous inspirations and a wonderful challenge - huge thanks ladies! Karen

Poppet said...

Great work by the DT. Thank you for the challenge. :-) xx

mcq said...

فورا بشركتنا المتميزة والتي ستقدم لك أقوى الخدمات التي ستعيد إليك البهجة مرة أخرى ومن أهم تلك الخدمات:

تنظيف واجهات الشقق وتخليصها من الأتربة أو أي أشياء غير مرغوب فيها.
القدرة على تنظيف حمامات السباحة ليعود إلى الماء صفائها ونقائها.
تستطيع الشركة العناية بالحديقة وتنظيفها جيدا حتى لا تصبح وكر للحشرات الضارة.
إذا كان لديك أنتيكات وتحف غالية الثمن فلا تخشى عليها من التنظيف حيث أن فريق العمل لديه وعي كامل بكيفية تنظيف كل المقتنيات النادرة بطريقة صحيحة.
إعادة الشكل الجميل للزهور الاصطناعية الموجود بداخل الشقق في الأركان وتنظيفها بطريقة لا تفقدها ألوانها.
تنظيف ورق الحائط بدون تمزيقه أو تعريضه لأي أعمال عبثية تضر بشكله الخارجي.
إنهاء مهمة التنظيف في وقت محدد حيث ما يهم شركتنا دائما هو عدم تضييع وقت العميل وإهداره.
افضل شركة تنسيق حدائق بالرياض
تنسيق الحدائق بالرياض
شركة جلي بلاط بالرياض
شركة جلي وتلميع رخام

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