Tuesday 2 October 2012

Happy Birthday To Us (& Noel) xxx


Hi there sweet peeps and thank you for joining us today.
It’s a longer than usual post today and a very special one for us because it’s our birthday and

we are 5

so we are celebrating and have lots of prizes plus some fab cardage for you.

Not only that, some of the original DT have come back to join us as our very special guests for this special occasion and I am thrilled to tell you that today we are joined by Claudia, Katharina & Mandy. Thank you for being part of our celebrations today – I am so happy that you are here with us xxxx

We also have another Special Guest Designer as well and that is Mummy Fairy herself, yes Jacqui is here with us as well :)

But before that, hugest of thanks to everybody who joined in last week – there were some fab interpretations of the sketches and it was nice to see the ones you had chosen to work with as well.

So who was our winner then?


Woohooo Vannessathis week it’s you chick :)

Well done to you and if you e-mail me, I’ll pass your details on and hugest thanks to Simon Says Stamp  for sponsoring us xxx

And check out what Vannessa did peeps …..


Now before we start on this week. there is a very special little boy who is also 5 this week and that is Little Noel who is Katharina's boy. Happy Birthday to you Noel from all of your friends in Blogland xxxx


So onto this week and as it’s the first one of the month, we have our usual

Anything Goes Theme

and this week our optional extra is to make a card or project to Celebrate. But this is only an option and you don’t have to do this if you don’t want to, as always it’s up to you :)

We have lots of fantabulous  sponsors for you and I am pleased to say that this week we are joined by -


Lili of The Valley who have given us a


PLUS 2 extra stamps as well :)


Simon Says Stamp

Simon Says Stamp who have given us a $100 goodie bag filled with SSS stamps and dies :)



ribbon girl logo

The Ribbon Girl who have give us 5 packets of Flowers, 5 packets of Seam Binding and 5 packets of Divine Twine :)






Sir Stampalot who have given us 4 Molly Bloom Stamps :)

Molly Blooms - Angelic Molly   Molly Blooms - Frosty - Festive FrameMolly Blooms - Clowning Around Molly Molly Blooms - Percy - Festive Frame

(these are dotted about peeps so we can have more winners)





Saturated Canary who have given us 3 digi images of the winner’s choice :)





Which Craft UK who have give us a packet each of

fyi_eleganat_step_card  vintage_step_card_logo_3_1 paulas_crackers





Nitwits Collections who have given us a $20 voucher :)



sitelogo J&C

J & C Creations who have give us a





Whiff of Joy who have given us something yummy :)




Craftwork Cards who have given us


a fab Memory Lane Project of the Month kit :)

And one of the DT have a special giveaway of their own – can’t say who though :)

I think you’ll agree that there are some amazing prizes up for grabs this week :)

But where are these prizes?

Well they are all hidden amongst our blogs and there is a prize at every stop but who has what is a secret and we will reveal all next week.

So all you need to do to be in with a chance of winning one is to make a card for the challenge as usual and then  to stop by and visit us all and leave us a comment – be sure not to leave anyone out because that person  could have the prize you would most like to win.  The hop isn't in any particular order and I’ll list the blogs at the end to make it easier for you.

Before we get to the cards, I have to say some thank you’s here – I promise I won’t do a Gwynnie!!!!!

Firstly to everybody who has taken part in our challenges over the last 5 years – and that is an awful lot of you. It goes without saying that if it wasn't for you then there would be no challenge. We have always been very lucky and have has such a loyal band of lovely peeps that join in week in and week out. From all the DT, past and present, hugest of thanks xxxx

Also hugest of thanks to our lovely sponsors who have donated such fantastic prizes for us to giveaway over the years – we really truly do appreciate your support mmmmwaaaahhhhhh xxx

To our wonderful past DT who have joined us this week. I cannot tell you how thrilled I was when you said you would come back this week and it really did make my day to be working with you again – just like old times. I know how busy you all are so I appreciate that you took the time to pop back xxx

To our Special Guest this week, Mummy Fairy – thank you Jac and it is a pleasure to have you with us xxx

And last but by no means least to the wonderful Papertake DT.
I don’t say this often enough but you girls really are the best. Each and every one of you is so talented and you produce fab work week in and week out. But to me, more importantly is that you are all the nicest bunch of girls ever and it makes it a pleasure to do this challenge. So from the bottom of my heart thank you to each and very one of you  - love you all loads xxxx

So without further ado, here’s our cards this week -



Claudia_Rosa_On our Anniversary_4_LOVT  





























Dawny P

Picture 003 copy

Wowwza they are all amazing and here’s the list of everybody taking part in alphabetical order  -



Dawny P











So that’s what we did and now it’s over to you, and if you get a sec, don’t forget to stop by our individual blogs and leave us some love and good luck to everyone who enters.

As always, could we ask a huge favour peeps please.

Could you help to make our job at leaving comments easier by turning off comment verification and enabling comment moderation instead please pretty please xxxx. It’s ever so easy to do – see our sidebar – and you won’t get spam comments as you can easily reject the comments that you don't want to appear. And also, can we remind you nicely that’s it’s fine to combine challenges but please, no back linking. We hope you understand that it’s only fair to those who make a new card xxx

And also, can I just give you a nice gentle reminder to ask if you could make sure that you link your card and not your blog when using good old Mr Linky please my lovelies. It makes life so much easier for our DT if they don’t have to go searching for your cards.

Thanks ever so muchly – we really do appreciate it xxx

Also just to let you know that sometimes it is not possible for the Design Team to leave a comments on every entry, with these Blogger issues that some of us are having at the mo – grrrrrr what a nightmare. But please be assured that we do stop by and we are doing our best and every single eligible entry goes into the draw for our prizes even if we don’t manage to leave you a comment.

Thanks for bearing with us and huggiest of hugs to all xxx


Laine said...

So exciting. A very Happy Birthday. Fabulous Design inspiration and lots of lovely goodies. Thank you for your wonderful Challenge Birthday Bash.
Hugs Laine

Stempelomi said...

happy birthday! And thanks for the great challenge and prizes.


Wendy L said...

Wow, Happy Birthday. I'd better get hopping. xxxxx

Lady E said...

Happy Birthday, ALL THE BEST! Fab DT creations!

Adriana said...

Happy 5th birthday! Wow what a lovely prices!!!

DesignerDiva said...

Happy Birthday to you! Fab DT work and amazing prizes thank you for the chance
Hugs Laurie xx

Margreet said...

Happy 5th birthday! All DT cards are wonderful! I'm going to hop now!
xxx Margreet

ribenaruby said...

One of the first challenges I entered when I came to blogland..thoroughly enjoyable, big Happy 5th Birthday PW! Ruby x

KimCreate said...

Happy Birthday! I love an anything goes challenge. Thanks for the opportunity to win prizes!

Nicolchen said...

Congratulations to five years Papertake Weekly ... your creations are all so wonderful ... thanks for this great blog-hop :0)))

Hugs Nicole

Annette said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Papertake. That's a whole lotta inspiration, and you still come up with such fab creations.
Here's to the next 5.

Anne said...

Mahoosive congrats on turning 5!!!!
Great cards from all you girls too. Bucket loads of inspiration.
Anne x

Jane said...

Many congrats, love all your DT cards, off to hop now!
Jane x

Anne-Marie said...

Ooooo....lots of yummy inspiration, as per usual, ladies!

belldoubleyou said...

I'm a little new to Papertake challenges. Would it be possible to include the date and time that the challenge closes in the post? It's entirely possible I'm overlooking it, but I can't seem to find it anywhere.

Marlene Atkinson said...

Happy 5th Birthday and thank you for the great challenge and prizes. Marlene

Mary said...

Great blog hop! Happy 5th birthday!

Karen P said...

Happy 5th Birthday! I've only just found you, wonderful inspiration from your DT, past and present. Will try to enter again hugs Karen

Ea Christiansen said...

Wow what a great Hop with gorgeous creations from both Guest DT, DT and "old" DT members.
I totally misread the post, so I've finished the hop before I created my card for the challenge - I hope I can still be a part of the challange :o)
For sure I'll keep my fingers crossed.

José said...

Happy 5th Birthday, great DT cards
hugs José

Lydia said...

great hop xxx the dt did a fab job xxx

Sue said...

Wonderful DT inspiration, thanks for a fabulous challenge


angelwhispers said...

Wow Happy Birthday and loving the DT creations just wonderful!! off to do my card and then off to see your wonderful Dt's bloggs!! Chanelle xxx

Alyssa S said...

Happy 5th birthday! so fun!

fionalawlor said...

Happy 5th Birthday PTW!! All of the design teams creations are gorgous as always.
Fiona L x

Barbara said...

Happy Fifth Birthday! Wow what wonderful prizes!!! Also Happy Birthday to Noel.

Ellen Taylor said...

Happy Birthday!! Awesome and inspiring samples! Thanks for the chance to win some of those fabby prizes!

My Creative Therapy said...

Wow the DT projects are awesome! Congrats on 5 years!! :)

Margreet said...

Some remarks: Dawny has not posted and some of the DT mention 2x Andrea, but one has posted and one not???
xxx Margreet

Karen Letchworth said...

Happy Big 5 - It's always so fun to play along!
Blessings to all,
Karen L

Gloria Shirr (purpleglo) said...

Fabulous cards from the DT! Thanks for the fantastic challenges. Have a wonderful week! Hugs, Gloria

I would love more followers.

Gloria Shirr (purpleglo) said...

Happy 5th Birthday!! Hugs, Gloria

Anonymous said...

Happy 5th Birthday!! Thanks for a fabulous blog hop, the DT's cards are fabulous but I could not find Dawny p's card, will try again later!
Helen x

Miria said...

happy birthday! thank you for all inspiration and prizes, I'll start hopping later, Miria xx

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Papertake weekly and also to Noel! Fabulous blog challenge and LOVE playing along, thanks for all the inspiration you give each week and I look forward to hopping around the blogs later today
hugs Samantha :0)

Kathie said...

Happy 5th Birthday Papertake Weekly congratulations for reaching 5 years. Wonderful Dt's card great inspirations.
Kathie'z Kardz

Karen said...

Off to hop too! Smiles.

Fabulous creations on today's post..


Berry said...

Have just finished your hop superb work! I haven't commented on Dawny yet as it hasn't been posted but will come back later as her work is always so lovely! Happy 5th birthday! Hugs Rebekah xx

Karen said...

Fabby Fabby Fabby~!!~

I've come away in awe and I'm following more blogs now too! Hehehe..

A great hop and wonderful talent on your Design Team!xx

Marianne said...

Happy 5th birthday to you and Noel! Your sure have some fab friends out there. Lots of awesome prizes to be won. It's a good thing I've taken a few days off. I need to do some serious crafting and blog hopping LOL.

scrappinpeg said...

Wow very exciting to see you celebrate your 5 year anniversary!
All the best to you!
Love love your challenge!
Peggy Biggs

CraftyNatalie said...

amazing cards from all!
Happy birthday!

Micki said...

Happy Birthday! Awesome inspiration ... I'm always in awe of the team creations :-)

Maria Matter said...

Happy Birthday!!!
love all the inspiration here over the years! Thank you!

Karen Wilson said...

A very happy birthday!! Gorgeous inspiration!

mgoll88 said...

Happy Blog Birthday!
5 years... wow.. thata great!
I love the challenges... Thanks for all!!


JennyH said...

Happy 5th birthday!! Great inspiration from the DT, thanks for the chance to win some great prizes : )

Vivi Casale said...

absolutely great hop! Happy Birthday PTW and thanks for the all the fun challenges and prizes!!!

Powerful Search Engine said...

Congratulations to you all on your birthday xxx

Daisychain said...

Congratulations to you all on your 5th birthday, one of the best challenge blogs around. Hugs Christine x

Andreja said...

Sorry, please delete Nr.106
Congrats for 5 years Papertake Weekly. Your creations are all so wonderfull. Thanks for this great blog-hop and the chance! Greetings from Slovnija :-))

Laura Love said...

Congratulations & Happy Birthday! I didn't see the Mr. Linky...but here is my entry:


Now I am off to blog hop!

Unknown said...

Wow 5 years !!!! That's amazing :D Happy Birthday girls, so exciting.. I'm off to do some hopping before I do another hop off to bed ha ha :) Hugs xxx

Kraftylittlebox said...

happy birthday :) great DT inspiration xx

Rachel said...

What a fab blog hop...so many gorgeous cards!

Happy Birthday Papertake Weekly and thanks for the fab blog hop! Wedgie xxx

PaperDaisies said...

Happy Birthday. Just love all the DT creations this week. Well Done Ladies. Hugs Nina

Heidi said...

WOW all these ladies have done a fabulous job..... and such generous prizes too. Happy Birthday!

Linda Carson said...

Creative, inspirational and awesome blog hop! Happy 5th Birthday PTW!!

Sunshine HoneyBee said...

Enjoyed the hop. Happy 5th Birthday PTW. Was not able to access 2 people's blogs: Jill's & Katharina's. I'll ck back. Entered 2 entries. Was not sure if there was a limit # entries.
"Sunshine HoneyBee"

Dawn said...

Congratulations on turning 5!!! Gorgeous DT work! Thanks for the chance to play along and for the great blog hop!

Hugs, Dawn

Stephanie said...

Happy Birthday!! The DT out-did themselves. Loved seeing the projects from the "old" DT as well. Thanks for letting me play along.

Carol Ric said...

Happy Birthday! Great cards from the DT.

rachel said...

happy Birthday! Will try and do the hop later! Great work team! xx

Mary J said...

What gorgeous makes! A very happy birthday to you!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday to you !! lou x

jem (jane elizabeth middleton) said...

Happy 5th Birthday,thanks for a great challenge blog and super dt cards always. janex

Sharon said...

A very happy birthday to you. I was a guest designer with you earlier in the year and loved it. Thank you for the wonderful challenge and blog hop.
Hugs Sharon. x

Debra Miller said...

Awesome challenge and beautiful inspiration from the Design Team!

Angela said...

Wow, amazing work by the DT...such a great array of styles! Happy 5th Birthday...and many more!

catherine said...

It was so wonderful to visit all your talented dt memebers blogs and such wonderful creations they have made. Happy birthday to the challenge blog and many more to come!
x catherine

Lorraine said...

Gorgeous DT cards and 'Happy Birthday'
Lorraine x

Anonymous said...

Happy 5th Birthday. Wonderful DT creations. I hope to get the time to join in with the Blog Hop. Ali x

ellyscard creatief said...

Happy 5th Birthday.
All DT cards are wonderful.
Thanks for the challenge.
I am new crafter starterd this year.

Gr Elly

Angela said...

Happy 5th Birthday! Lovely inspiration from the DT! I'll visit the DT blogs this weekend. TFS!

Sally Dube said...

Congrats!! Can't wait to visit all the Blogs - wonderful cards from all the DT!!
Blessings to you all!!

Unknown said...

Link 194 is incorrect but I couldn't delete it

Annie Rose said...

Happy Birthday! Thanks for the fun challenges. What a fun prize hop! :)

Annie Rose

Aartje said...

Thanks to the Dt-members for this great bloghop.
Hugs Aartje

Theresa's Studio said...

Happy Birthday!! Congrats on 5 years. Thanks for the challenges.

Sandra1968 said...

Happy 5th birthday! And thank you for this great challenge blog :-)
Hugs, Sandra

Crafting Belle said...

Happy Birthday, here's to more years of fabby challenges xxx

Words and Pictures said...

A very happy birthday to you! It's such fun to play along with your great challenges - and thank you for the chance to win those great birthday presents!!
Alison x

KarinsArtScrap said...

happy birthday to you, thanks for this great challenge.
fabulous DT work ladies.

greetings karin

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

A HUGE happy 5th birthday and thanks so much Shaz in oz.x
oh and great work all the DT folk!!


Wendy said...

Happy 5th birthday...Gorgeous DT creations, off to hop around your blogs now.
Wendy xx

Sunshine HoneyBee said...

Enjoyed the hop. Did not see my comment from earlier so it may have gone into cyberspace. Wonderful creations. Happy 5th birthday.
"Sunshine HoneyBee"

Gail said...

Thank you for this opportunity to enter the challenge - Happy 5th Birthday also - I need to hop, I will get to that today -
http://ilikepaper01.blogspot -

Berit Synnøve said...

Happy Birthday !
So many gorgeous cards.
Thanks for the opportunity to win so many delicious prices.
Hugs Berit

Angella D. Crockett said...

Happy Birthday!!!! I'm headed out of town, but can't wait to hop when I get back! Thanks for the fun challenges through the years and your DT is the best! Mwaaaah!!

RoseC said...

As always, the design team projects are fabulous. I've enjoyed hopping around. Thank you all for your continuous wonderful inspiration at Papertake Weekly! Hugz, ~ Rose

Rene said...

WOW! I'm loving these DT cards!!!
Rene :D

scrappyjacky said...

Happy Birthday.

Kelly Lloyd said...

Happy Birthday, wonderful dt cards..

Hugs Kelly

Mrs A. said...

Happy birthday to you all.
Hugs Mrs A.

Mei said...

Happy Birthday ladies! Awesome challenge and great prizes!

Inkypinkydelights said...

WOW, what a fabulous Celebration challenge. Congratulations on your five years and a very Happy Birthay! The DT work is just amazing! What a lot of work you ladies have put in! Judy x

frlphoebes kreativ-blog said...

Happy 5th birthday to all of you!I really enjoyed the blog hop,I´ve seen so lovely cards and so many cutey images - I learned a lot,because I´m a
new beginner (may 2012).Thank you all for showing your wonderful cards I become just a new follower of your blog and I´ll come back again :o)
All of you I´ll wish a nice weekend,with many lovely comments;o)

PS: I took the option and made a celebration card for Papertake,I hope you will like it,if you like
please visit my blog - thank you very much for all.

Gail said...

happy birthday great DT creations

Simone said...

Happy 5th birthday!!! Thank you for so many great challenges!

Carla S. said...

Happy 5th birthday! Many happy returns! Gorgeous inspiration from the DT! Thanks for the fun challenge and chance at the wonderful prizes!

angelwhispers said...

Wow your DT girls sure have done you proud with there creations to celebrate five years Happy Birthday! Love Chanelle xxxx

Sheryl said...

Stunning DT projects. Thanks so much for the inspiration. xx

Caroline said...

Great projects ! Thanks for the inspiration...

Danielle C said...

Happy Birthday!

coops said...

happy birthday ladies and thanks for a fantastic bloghop :D

xx coops xx

Crafteresa said...

wow,\o/ happy happy birthday! here's to the next 5 years of fabulous creations now off to blog hop.....

Carole of Brum said...

Happy Birthday! Wow what great prizes you have lined up this week, too - and the DT cards are just fab.

happy birthday to Noel too!

~ Kendra ~ said...

Happy 5th Birthday!! How exciting! Such WONDERFUL creations from the DT!!

Billie A said...

Happy Birthday to all. How nice to celebrate 5 years. Great DT inspirations and sure there will be another 5 + years of inspiration to come. I look forward to your challenges and thanks for making them possible. Hugs

Kim said...

Stunning DT cards. And Happy Birthday!

Hugs Kim

sue w. said...

Happy Birthday to you.
Hugs Sue W.

Simone said...

Happy birthday! Thank you for so many great challenges!

Handgathered said...

Hey, sweet peeps at Papertake, happy 5th bday. I made a birthday card and added it to the list. Wow, that's a lot of takers so far.
Good luck all!

MagsB said...

Happy birthday, my lovelies! Thanks for a wonderful bloghop!

love Mags B x

Sharron aka Sharrahug said...

Happy Happy 5th Birthday! WooHoo! What FABulous prizes!
Happy Huggies ~

BlueCrayons said...

gorgeous cards ladies. happy birthday to noel and also happy 5th blog birthday. that is exciting. woohoo. i entered. now time to hop.

Sharron aka Sharrahug said...

FANtastic blog hop! Gorgeous creations by one & all! Thanks for the FUN!
Huggies ~

Crafteresa said...

it's very rare for me to enter the same challenge twice but today I managed it with 2 totally different cards, happy 5th birthday papertake
hugs Crafteresa x

Karen said...

Happy Birthday! Such an incredible array of DT work and I will soon be leaving the love on their blogs. I look forward to many more years of crafty fun! :o) Thank you for hosting such a wonderful challenge! :o)

Hugs and blessings!

Jenny said...

Happy Birthday! Thanks for your great challenges :) xxx

Maris said...

happy birthday xx

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your 5th! Wonderful inspiration and prizes!

MarikaGabez said...

Happy birthday!
So many gorgeous cards.
Thanks for the opportunity to win so many delicious prices.

Marika, SLovenia

paperpapier said...

Happy birthday..fab inspiration from al the dts...!

Suze said...

Happy Birthday! I've made a clean and simple card this week.

mags said...

Happy Birthday. Some gorgeous creations from the design team.

paperpapier said...

Happy birthday...!!

Crafteresa said...

Happy Birthday Papertake

I couldnt find the link for the 2nd card I entered so added it again!

Lisa Jane said...

A very Happy Birthday .. fabulous projects from all the DT and thanks for a fun hop
Lisa x

Jac’s Playground said...

A very Happy 5th Birthday to you, thanks for such a fabulous hop had great fun hopping round all the DT's amazing work xx

Jackie said...

Happy birthday everyone. The DT cards are all fab. Thank you for all the hard work you have all put in over the five years. xx

Penny said...

Happy 5th Birthday! Love the DT creations! :^)
Hugs, Penny

Cazzy said...

Happy Birthday! What a lot of prizes!

I hope you can see my card properly it is very shiny!

Cazzy x

Cazzy said...

I think I have hopped everywhere, but only because I came back here and followed your list, as I was sent on a lot of wild goose chases on other blogs, and dead ends. Some people didn't have any links to go next, and some had wrong links to people with no posts on this hop.

Cazzy x

Renae said...

Happy Birthday to Papertake Weekly. Thanks for all the fun Challenges.

Jojo said...

Wow! Happy happy birthday! xx

Gibmiss said...

Congrats on your 5th Birthday......
Love all the Design Teams Cards ....Fabulous ...
Hugs Sylvie xxxx

Grenouille Greetings said...

Happy Birthday Papertake and Happy Birthday Noel! Hugs, Lesley

Mei said...

Happy Birthday and thank you for the awesome hop!

kbrandy4 said...

Happy 5th Birthday and i hope you will continue holding these fab challenges!!
Hugs Hazel xx

Vannessa said...

Wow can't believe I won! Did you get my email Dawn? If not could you email me at saffivort@yahoo.com Thanks, Vannessa

Laurian said...

Happy Birthday and here's to another successful year!



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