Monday, 19 January 2009

Shape Up!

Hi all, thanks to everyone who joined us for Dawnys sketch challenge! There were some gorgeous cards and layouts! The winner of the Whimsy Stamps prize, picked by is: Sue (ScoopysStuff) so if you could please email me with your postal address, we'll get your prize out to you!
This weeks challenge, as well as being my new years resolution(!!!) is Shape Up! The challenge this week is to use 3 shapes on your card or project. If you're really stuck you can count your card base as one of the shapes!!
The DT have some fantastic cards to inspire you!









AliMayes said...

Great cards from the DT and a fun challenge. I hope this will fit the bill.
Ali xx

Marlou McAlees said...

hi ladies, I have joined in your challenge :)

Marlou :) x

ps great cards by the way DT :)

Anonymous said...

Hi ladies, fab challenge this week. Just loved it. Here is mine card:

Bren said...

Wow, I am one of the first 5 to post. So cool!. Well here it is... Go to my blog


Rach said...

wonderful cards by the dt.
here is my card
hugs rachxx

Mandi said...
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Mandi said...

Super DT cards guys, great inspo. Loved the theme, left it so open for some varied designs...Thank you!


Hugs mandi xx

Sue said...

I loved this theme thanks.. and great cards by the DT:)

Here is my card


Jilly said...

Great cards from the DT Here is my card.

Donna said...

Gorgeous cards Ladies and great theme. Here is my Card

Anonymous said...

I created a card for this but I feel like something is missing. Here is the card.

Does anyone have suggestions for how to make it better next time?


Jenni said...

Have had a go at this challenge - you can find my entry here

Maria Matter said...

Great cards ladies!
here's mine:
A Lucky Bunny Birthday!
Blessings, Maria

Helen Ding said...

Thanks for the challange, I have cheated a little and used a sketch from another challange that fitted this one... I may have to have another go without cheating! But for now here's my card

Andrea said...

Another beautiful challenge and wonderful DT work

my card

sheffsue said...

Great DT cards as usual.

here's mine

Sue x

Tab said...

Fabby challenge and I adore this weeks DT cards too!

My Card

Tab xxx

Šolanje na domu-Waldorf said...

Beautiful DT samples.
My entry.
Thanks for looking.
x Natasha x

Sharon said...

Great challenge and lovely cards by the DT. Here is my card.

Lynda Nielsen said...

The DT cards are amazing! =) this week I decided to take this challenge and combine it with another challenge. I think the end result came out great. I LOVED using the different shapes. =) What a fabulous idea!
Here is my card.
Thanks for taking a look.
Lynda =)

shelly said...

what a fun challenge :) lovely cards! mine can be seen HERE
thansk so much for taking the time to look :) shelly

Classroomfree said...

Lovely DT work, well done all :o)

My effort can be seen here:

Papertake Weekly

My Creative Outlet by Janna said...

As usual, I love everyone's projects! Here's mine this week:

Gayle said...

Hi everyone
Beautiful DT cards, as always!
You can find my humble attemptHERE
Thanks for looking
Gayle x

Kristine said...

I loved this challenge!
My shape up card can be seen HERE....

debby4000 said...

Fabulous DT and great challenge.
Hope I've worked out the challenge properly.
my card is here

Cathy said...

Great challenge and fab cards DT. Mine is on my blog.
Thanks for looking,
Cathy xx

Debbie said...

Great challenge this week and the DT cards are fabulous. My card is Here.
TFL Debbie x

Amanda said...

thanks for the challenge

Hazel (Didos) said...

Hi All, Hope you like my shaped up card, Love the DT cards as usual all great. Hazel xox
Here's Mine

Desire Fourie said...

Great versatile theme for this week's challenge. Love the DT's creations. Here is my take on 3 shapes over at DOING LIFE
Thank you for stopping by. Hugs from Desire

Suzy said...

Oh, diferent shapes. Are here enough?

angeljakki said...

Great work by the tteam. Here is my card

Sue said...

Great cards from the DT girls, here is my effort.
Thanks for looking, sue.x

Caro said...

Great challenge and great cards from the DT. Here is my take one this one:

Liza said...

Great theme and work by the DT. My card is here. Thanks for looking.

Liza x

Dawn said...

Here is my card:

Anonymous said...

I just wasn't thrilled with my first attempt at this challenge, so I had to give it another try. Much happier with the result. Here is my card.


Daisychain said...

This week I have done something a little different for you, hope you like it. Fab DT cards as usual. My card is here

Hugs Christine x

Cindy said...

Great idea for a challenge! I love seeing the DT's ideas, and the cards everyone comes up with. Here's my card for the challenge!

Ria Zonnestraaltje said...

lovely cards DT!
Here is my card

hugs Ria

Pop's Cards said...

Fantastic challenege i so loved doing this one, brilliant cards from the Dt as always...

Here is mine thank you for looking.

Hugs Pops x x x

Anonymous said...

Great cards from the DT! Mine is here.

Liz x

Kath Stewart said...

Hi Folks...a little late this week but I'm here now with my Shape Up will find it HERE
Hugs Kath xxxx

Anonymous said...

Fab theme and gorgeous cards from DT :)
My card is here

Marlene xx

Ceal said...

great cards by the DT
you can find mine here

Kat said...

Fantastic cards - ages since I played but mine can be found at

tiggertastic said...

my entry is here thanks for looking

sarah x

ribenaruby said...

Just loved the challenge this week and fab DT creations. My card is here

Kim. said...

Hello all, Love doing this challenge and it is my first time at entering here. You can find my card here Kim xXx

Lexxie said...

Love the DT cards, and what a fab idea for a challenge.

Here is my entry.

Anonymous said...

Here's my card for this week's challenge.


Have a great evening!

LOUISE said...

DT cards are all gorgeous, here is my card. Louise x
Whiff of Joy Teenage Lizzie

Lorraine Robertson said...

Great challenge this week girls & fab inspiration from the DT...

HERE is my card...

Lorraine xxx

Caryn said...

Hi all - lovley DT cards -
Here is my offering!

cats whiskers said...

brilliant cards and great inspiration girl my card is HERE
Hugs Jacqui x

Jackie said...

Great cards as alway and another super challenge. My card is HERE TFL

Jilli said...

Great cards from the DT. Fab challenge. My card can be seen here.

Thanks for looking

Michele said...

Thanks for the challenge. Here's my card

Wendy said...

Great DT examples
Here is my card.

Anonymous said...

Great DT´s ladies!
Here is my idea:

You make


Natalie said...

Great DT Cards, I have added my entry to my blog, you can see it HERE

Natalie x

Jackie said...

Fabby challenge... had to use all my 3 of my brain cells on this one lol... hope this fits the bill ok... HERE is my card

Digi Stamp Boutique said...

Fab DT cards and challenge...


Francesca said...

Great Dt Cards and Fab Challenge
Here's Mine!

Francesca X

Bev said...

Fab DT cards. Here's my card
hugs Bev x

michele said...

Fab cards from the DT! my card is
thanks for looking
hugs mx

Juliet said...

Better late than never!
Here is my card.
Juliet xx

SueH said...

Hi all,
Great DT cards us always and great inspiration from you all.

I've done my card, which has Circles, Squares and Rectangles on it. You can see it Here

Claire Mackaness said...

Hope this fits Heres mine

Hazel said...

Lovely challenge with lots of super interpretations of it. mine is on my blog

The Crafty Den said...

Great theme this week. Here is my card Hugs, Denise x

Emma said...

Here is my entry for this weeks challenge.


Arianne said...

Great challenge!

You can see my card here.

Evelina Wikberg said...

Fun challenge. I have made a total scary you monday night! Here is my Entry

Jacilynn said...

Great Theme & Great Cards! Here is my card


Lovely cards and original idea for a challenge! My card is on my blog - click here!

The Crafting Cook said...

Another great challenge this week. Love the DT cards.
Heres my card- hope you like it
Teresa x

The Crafty Blonde said...

Great challenge and fab DT cards.
heres mine
Hope you like and thanks for looking.
Lyndsey xx

lestim said...

I just love the challange, all the cards are so good. I hope I manage to upload this one OK. lesley xx

Anita said...

Amaing cards DT, I love it and great challenge, so i decided to play along.

Chris said...

Hi, last minute I'm afraid, but I enjoyed doing the challenge this week. Love all the DT cards, stunning work. My card is here. TFL. Chris x

Annie said...

I forgot to give you the link to my card for last week! here it is
hugs, annie x

Looby said...

What gorgeous cards! Here's mine

Lou x

Unknown said...

Brilliant DT cards! Finally managed to join in again. HERE is mine.
Viv xxx

Jilly said...

great cards from the DT
Here is my card.

Emma said...
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aardvarkpest said...
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Lesley said...
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